I’m fortunate in my profession I have the opportunity to evaluate the gait of thousands of people. Many of those have lost the ability of rotation during their gait. This can lead to many compensations such as a locked thoracic spine, restricted pelvis motion, calf muscles, ankles and subtalar joints.
Rotation is vital for the loading and unloading during the gait cycle, it’s how our body transfers impact forces and potential energy. If we lose the ability of rotation in the gait cycle our movement patterns break down, compensations and restrictions occur and consequently connective tissue fatigue.
What is the cause of rotation restrictions?
Sedentary lifestyle, sitting, driving, injury and stride length to name a few.
Walking is the most functional movement we do every day, approximately 5,000-8,000 steps for adults. Improper stride length during walking can have a significant effect on the rest of the body.
Think of the type of walking you do on a typical day. It may be walking around the office, to and from the car, around the home or at the store. This type of walking is unfortunately not the one evolution intended.
The solution?
Really walk! Put on your favorite footwear and go for a walk outside for at least thirty minutes. Find that place where your body is switched on and it is an effortless gait working with the ground and impact forces.
Additional benefits of a proper walk:
- Improved mood
- Improved Cardiovascular health
- Relieve back/hip and shoulder tension
- Keep knee joints healthy
- Improve circulation
- Improve flexibility
Happy walking!